Luce Notturna Combination Necklace
171,60 $
286,00 $
%40 Sale
Üretim Şekli : El Yapımı
Set İçeriği : Luce Notturna set iki farklı kolye ile kombin edilmiştir. Phoenix Dark kolye, Lunar Dark kristal taşlı çelik kolye
Set İçeriği : Luce Notturna set iki farklı kolye ile kombin edilmiştir. Phoenix Dark kolye, Lunar Dark kristal taşlı çelik kolye
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All products should be kept away from chemicals such as perfumes and creams and should not come into contact with water. Handcrafted products are recommended to be used with care and attention.
Usage errors are not covered by the warranty. After the warranty period, the product can be modified against cost. Modifications are limited to materials in stock.
The product return/exchange period is 14 days from the delivery date. Used products are not subject to return/exchange.
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